

The MiniApp initiative (abbreviated simply to "MAI") is focused on MiniApps, a new platform for building light hybrid applications that do not require installation and so enable a near-instant "see-acquire-use" app dynamic for users. MiniApps can deliver a comparable experience to native apps but with less development code and less acquisition friction.

Status: Operational

Initiative Working Group



Injected using JavaScript

pierre yves gibello

Lead: Huawei

Members: CTIC , e Foundation , Famobi , FRVR , PrestaShop , Startin'blox , Vonage

The OSS Good Governance initiative

Most large end-users and systems integrators already use FOSS either in their information systems or in their product and service divisions. Open source compliance has become an ever growing concern and many large companies have named compliance officers. However, compliance is only one part of open source governance. We see open source governance encompassing the whole ecosystem, engaging with local communities, nurturing a healthy relationship with open source software vendors and service specialists. This is what OSS good governance is about. A neutral, open ground for executives concerned with defining and steering their open source strategies, it will allow them to share their experiences, difficulties and uncertainties, but also successes and best practices.

Status: Operational

Initiative Working Group


nicolas1 toussaint , pierre yves gibello

Lead: Orange Group , OW2