Open Cloud Summit

Slides of the presentations are available on the main program page.

Session Chair: Jean-Pierre Laisné, OW2 President, and co-leader of the OW2 Cloudware Initiative. 

Open Cloud Summit Keynotes (Nov 24, 10 to 12:00am)

1. OpenNebula: Leading Innovation in Cloud Computing Management

Schedule: 10:15am - 10:45am
Speaker: Ignacio Llorente, Open Nebula.
Abstract: OpenNebula is an open source cloud computing toolkit with excellent performance and scalability to manage hundreds of thousands of virtual machines, high integration capabilities to fit into any existing data center, and the most advanced
functionality for building private, public and hybrid clouds. Its innovative features have been developed to address the requirements of business use cases from leading IT companies in the context of flagship European projects in cloud computing.
OpenNebula is being used as an open platform for innovation in several international projects to research the challenges that arise in enterprise cloud management, and also as production-ready tool in both academia and industry to manage clouds.
The keynote describes the main innovations of this open source cloud platform and some examples of on how it is being used to build
large-scale cloud infrastructures. The keynote also covers the community and ecosystem that are quickly evolving around OpenNebula,
and the European projects on cloud computing infrastructures that are using this innovative cloud technology.

2. ProActive Parallel Suite and OW2 OSCi initiative: from Multi-Cores to Multi-Clouds.

Schedule: 10:45am - 11:15am
Speaker:Denis Caromel, ProActive, INRIA, CNRS, IUF.

3. Introduction to OpenStack

Schedule: 11:15am - 11:45am
Speaker: Randy Bias, Cloudscaling.
Abstract: An introduction to the world's first open source cloud computing platform for Infrastructure-as-a-Service.  We will take a look at what OpenStack is, the incredible momentum and community that has formed around it, and take a high level look at it's architecture and basic value proposition.  Will also cover recent releases, future roadmap, what it takes to become part of the community, and what you need to deploy OpenStack yourself.

Open Cloud Summit Panel (nov 24, 12:30am to 01pm)

Schedule: 11:45am - 12:30am
Session Chair: Jean-Pierre Laisné, OW2 President and co-leader of the OW2 Cloudware Initiative.

  • Ignacio Llorente, Open Nebula.
  • Denis Caromel, ProActive, INRIA, CNRS, IUF.
  • Richard Nicholson (Paremus & Member of OSGi Alliance).
  • Wang Wei, ISCAS (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences).
  • Randy Bias, Cloudscaling 

Open Cloud Summit speakers

Ignacio Llorente, OpenNebula

Ignacio M. Llorente, Ph.D in Computer Science (UCM) and Executive MBA (IE Business School), is a Full Professor in Computer Architecture and Technology and the Head of the Distributed Systems Architecture Research Group at Complutense University of Madrid, and Chief Executive Advisor and co-founder of C12G Labs, a technology start-up. He has 17 years of experience in research and development of advanced distributed computing and virtualization technologies, architecture of large-scale distributed infrastructures and resource provisioning platforms. His current research interests are mainly in the area of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Cloud Computing, co-leading the research and development of the OpenNebula Toolkit for Cloud Computing and coordinating the Activity on Management of Virtual Execution Environments in the RESERVOIR Project, main EU funded research initiative in virtualized infrastructures and cloud computing. He founded and co-chaired the Open Grid Forum Working Group on Open Cloud Computing Interface; and participates in the European Cloud Computing Group of Experts and in the main European projects in Cloud Computing.

Denis Caromel, INRIA Professor and activeEon founder

Denis Caromel is full professor at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and CNRS-INRIA. Denis is also co-founder and scientific
adviser to ActiveEon, a startup dedicated to providing support for CLOUD Computing. His interests include parallel, concurrent, and
distributed computing, in the framework of GRID and CLOUD.
Denis Caromel gave many invited talks on Parallel and Distributed Computing around the world, over (Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Berkeley, Stanford, ISI, USC, Electrotechnical Laboratory Tsukuba,Sydney, Oracle-BEA EMEA, Digital System Research Center in Palo Alto,
NASA Langley, IBM Tom Watson and IBM Zurich, Boston HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, MIT, Tsinghua in Beijing, Jiaotong in ShangHai). He acted as
keynote speaker at several major conferences (including Beijing MDM, DAPSYS 2008, CGW'08, Shanghai CCGrid 2009, IEEE ICCP'09, ICPADS 2009 in Hong Kong, WSEAS in Taiwan). Recently, he gave two important invited talks at Sun Microsystems HPC Consortium (Austin, Tx), and at Devoxx (gathering about 3500 persons).

Randy Bias, Cloudscaling

to be completed

Richard Nicholson, Paremus & Member of OSGi Alliance

Richard is CEO and Founder of Paremus; a UK OSGi private-cloud software vendor. Richard is a member of the OSGi Alliance Board and is currently leading the 'Cloud - OSGi convergence' RFP for the Alliance. Richard maintains keen interest in a number of research areas including Recovery Oriented techniques, Complex Adaptive System design and Self Organized-Criticality. He is specifically interested in the application of such concepts to next generation distributed system design. Prior to founding Paremus, Richard headed the European System Engineering function for Salomon Smith Barney/Citigroup. Richard graduated from Manchester University with Honors in Physics and went on to gain an Astrophysics doctorate from the Royal Greenwich Observatory. Richard's blog 'Adapt and Evolve' can be found at:

Wei Wang, ISCAS (Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Wei Wang received his Ph.D. in Computer Science (2010) from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science (ISCAS). Currently he is a research assistant of ISCAS. His area of research is software engineering and distributed computing, with emphasis on middleware based distributed software engineering. His interests include the adaptive resource management in middleware, and high reconfigurable and manageable middleware architectures, and the validation of such techniques on real systems.