
Jul 17 2012

ScalAgent DT launches MQPerf, a new self-diagnosis service for JORAM

ScalAgent DT launches MQPerf, a new self-diagnosis service for JORAM

To help you understand and measure JORAM performances, we have designed a new service called MQPerf. MQPerf is very easy to execute. It requires only 5 mns of your time to get a free performance report.

Please have a look at this service at, test it as much as you want and let us know how you like it. You may also use our new forum, dedicated to MQPerf, for any question about this service.

The JORAM team 

Jul 04 2012

eXo Training World Tour

*Date*: Week of July 16, 2012

*Location*: Brazil

The eXo Training World Tour is coming to Brazil. We’ll be hosting a week of intensive hands-on training from the 16th to 20th July 2012

*Why should you attend?*

  • Gain hands-on experience with eXo Platform in an interactive setting
  • Learn from the experts - all courses are led by eXo Certified Trainers
  • Build your team’s core competencies around eXo Platform - starting from key concepts and architecture underlying eXo technologies
  • Reduce the time-to-production and ensure the long-term success of your project: sessions will cover by learning how to design, develop, deploy and administer eXo-based solutions

Click here to register.

Mar 02 2012

Jun 10 2011

OpenStack/UShareSoft Webinar

WEBINAR TITLE: Future Direction and Discussion on Glance. 

Time: June 21, 12PM EDT
 Duration: one hour. 

Jay Pipes, PTL of Glance & James Weir, CTO of will present a brief overview of the Glance project followed by a community discussion about the future of the project. 

More information and registration at:

Oct 14 2010

Expo Universelle Shangai


First blog post

This is your wiki's blog first post. Its goal is to provide a short description of your blog's main features.

  • You can create new blog posts through the input field located on your Blog's homepage. The status of a blog post may be any one of the following:
    • Unpublished: your post is still a draft. It can be seen by its creator and by administrators. Once you have clicked publish, you cannot unpublish a post. However, you can choose to hide it.
    • Published: your post can be read by every user that has access to your blog.
    • Published & hidden: your post is published but only its creator and admins can see it. This is useful if you need to make modifications on a post that has already been published by mistake.
  • Every blog article can be tagged and/or categorized:
    • You will be able to browse posts by category using the panel located on the left of the page
    • You can create new categories and subcategories when creating a new post
    • The use of tags allows your article to be found by browsing your wiki's tags, along with any other wiki document
  • Blog-specific panels are available on the left of your blog page:
    • The recent posts lists the most recent entries to any visitor of the blog
    • The unpublished panel lists the blog posts you created, but didn't yet publish
    • The categories panel lets you browse blog posts listed by category and subcategory
    • The archive panel lets you browse blog posts by publication date

Happy blogging!