Talend RoadShow comes back for Christmas!

*Talend RoadShow comes back for Christmas!*

The Talend roashow is a serie of free technical workshops that occur in several French towns, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, the UK and Ireland. For 3 hours, a Talend trainer will help you get started with Talend Open Studio on provided computer. At the end of the workshop, you will leave with the tool and all the developments you worked on on a USB key.

The dates are as follows:

1) Program in France:

Toulouse - November 10

Aix-en-Provence - November 19

Rouen - November 24

Nancy - Decembre 2

2) Program in Europe:

Brussels - December 10th - 9am-5pm

Dublin - December 14th - 2pm-5pm

Geneva - December 1st - 9am-12pm

London - December 8th - 9am-5pm

Newcastle - December 9th - 2pm-5pm

Thames Valley - December 7th - 2pm-5pm

Sign up now: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=viPBdDXcy6FdxZu_2fdPY2Hw_3d_3d&c=ow2